1,000 Things About Joanna

a work in progress.

Friday, April 14, 2006

19. You don't like to open your eyes very much. When you do, it always seems like the left eye is open wider than the right. In fact, when you were born it was a while before I ever saw your right eye at all.

20. You don't like being unwrapped. You have the most adorable way of flailing your arms, desperately reaching out to try to hold onto something that's not there. It must feel so frightening after being in the womb for nine months. So it's always a huge relief for both of us when I finish the diaper change or whatever and I can get you all tightly burrito'd again. (Yes, I realize that this is probably the same with every other baby on the planet. Cut me some slack here, I'm a new dad!)

21. When your fussing progresses to a full-on cry, you do the same little quivering-chin thing that Ellie did when she was your age. It has this magical way of flooding the onlooker with extreme pity. :-) But it is so endearing. (Man, I've gotta get video footage of it next time!)

22. You're sleepy pretty much all the time. Even when it's time to eat. Daddy learned not to let you have your pacifier unless you've just eaten, because if you get it, you're likely to drift off to sleep again, and not wake up again until you're a little wild with hunger.


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