1,000 Things About Joanna

a work in progress.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

31. Your strong and reflexive grasp cracks me up sometimes. Here you are deep asleep, but unwilling or unable to let go the strap of my top. I shifted around, stood up and sat back down, and even peeled your fingers off once, and each time you settled back in with a firm grasp on that strap.

32. Even at the ripe old age of six weeks, you still sleep soundest in my arms. Daddy's chest is acceptable but definitely second place. The swing can be okay for a catnap if you go in awake and fall asleep in it. If we set you in it while you're asleep, though, you wake up terrified that we've set you out on the prairie under a sign that says "free wolf food."


  • At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What gorgeousness! Yosha says she looks just her mama so of course the gorgeouness makes sense. Joanna also looks less like a newborn and more like a baby. So much change in only six weeks! I can't wait to hold you and bounce you around. More Joanna for me please!

  • At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ...And I'm thrilled that Elly is happy about her sister, Jonana. What a wonderful big sister you are Elly! (Maybe Genevieve will get to be a big sister some day. If so, I hope she's as excited as Elly.)


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